Well, i’m done with one phase of my life today. Said goodbye to Infy for the last time today. What do I feel about it? Nothing really, may sound strange (not for people who know me well) but that’s the truth. Told quite a few people about what i’m doing next. I hope that translates into more orders for me, but you never know.

Although longer than intended, I think my time at Infy has been worth it. I made some great friends, learnt many things. Things which I swore not to do in my company and also learnt that I am pretty good at what I put my heart to. I may sound a little arrogant, but it is the truth. I have seen managers not caring for the actual product but on the surrounding chaff, I have seen managers not even trying to make an effort to help their team. I have also learned that you can be dissatisfied wherever you may be. You can crib all the way but it’s of no use if you don’t try to make the change you want.

I’m meeting Abhishek for lunch tomorrow, hope to learn a few tricks of what it takes to be a businessman.
It’s been a movie marathon this week, watched 3 movies with one more coming this Saturday. Finished quite some research on Twitter. Have to start with Ning now. Also have to change the website to get a unified message across.

Got this link from Nitin about radical career changes – http://www.madmanweb.com/archives/0602tips_on_making_a_radical_career_shift.html

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